Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Finding Time to Run

Some days I find it hard to squeeze running into my busy day (and night). There are only 24 hours in a day, and at times, I wish there were more hours.

Luckily, I truly love to run and most days, fitting it into my schedule is just something I do. It has become a part of my daily routine, like taking a shower, brushing my teeth, etc.

I do set two alarm clocks for 5:00 a.m. (I have a hard time with the initial wake up call), set my clothes and running shoes out in the bathroom the night before so they are there waiting for me (I have friends who actually sleep in their running clothes), and plan out in my head (the night before) whether I am going to run inside on the treadmill or outside. I prefer to run outside, but I don't like running alone in the dark.

Some days I will run a few miles (while it is dark and my husband is at the gym) on the treadmill. Meanwhile my 4 and 5 year old are still sleeping. The air conditioning unit upstairs helps drain the noise of the treadmill. I, also, have a baby monitor hooked up so I can tell when they get up. When my husband returns from the gym, I then go outside and run a few miles. And on the weekends I wait until it is light and run completely outside. I prefer running outside, but the treadmill mixes it up and works with my schedule.

While getting dressed for my run, I will plan out my run in my head. I don't "set it in stone", but I like to know what the plan is for my run. Will I be on the treadmill or running outside. If I am going to run outside, I will spend a few minutes visualizing where I will run. What streets, parks, etc. I find it inspiring and motivating to see myself running. And most days, that is the course I will run. And some days, I will deviate from "the plan" which is fine too. Once you get moving, it all comes together.

So just a few tips that work for me on finding time to run. Would love to hear from you too. Stick with me as I get this blog running.

We are all belladonnarunning!

Have a great day:)

So finding time can be tricky. But once you get in a running groove and a routine, it gets easier each day.

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