Tuesday, June 30, 2009

come on...give me some feedback...

hello all female runners..i am waiting to hear from you:)

blogging is a lot harder than i realized. i love creating the posts, but getting people to read your blog is a bit challenging. but i love a challenge and will persevere. it is a lot like running. you have to work up to the "race". so i guess i am in the training stage of social media. but i am learning and getting fit.

if you are reading this, be sure to see my blog from day one. there are lots of questions on there for you. i need to put it in a survey format. work with me. i am learning. but i seriously want your feedback. i really want to create a blog and website for all female runners. beginners, experienced, etc. it will be for all of us.

running has been such an important part of my life for years, and i want others to share in the passion. have i won major races or coached? no. i simply love running for running.

so come on...run..and while running think about what you want to see on a blog and website. i, also, want to develop an apparell line so think about what is missing in running clothes. what do you want? fabric? colors? prints? cuts? reflective material? etc.?

cannot wait to hear from all of you.

let's get running. we are all belladonnarunning..beautiful women running.


Monday, June 29, 2009

monday morning

it is monday. not much time to blog...but really want to hear from people about what they want in a blog, site, and running attire. what is out there that you love. what is not out there that you want? reflective running wear? colorful wear? standard colors? the cut in shorts? the new skorts for running? tops? jogbras? let me know...and if there are any clothing designers and seamstresses who want to help design and sew let me know. i have ideas but need help executing them. it will be fun:) keep on belladonnarunning.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday, Sunday...

Hello everyone! Yesterday slipped away from me, and I did not get a chance to blog. I did run 6 miles though. Yay!

But today's run (Sunday) was even better. It was one of the runs that makes me realize why I love running sooo much. The run seemed effortless and meditative. I don't even remember a lot of the run because I was in my zone. It all came together and felt right. This is why I love running.

Not only did I get a great workout all around (I ended up going 9 miles), but I felt wonderful. Not once did I feel sore or tired. It was just one of those days. Thank you:)

As a runner, we all know that there are good running days and not so good running days. But it is the good days that make it so worth it. That lead to us being passionate about the sport.

And there is no way to predict how you are going to feel until you get out there and start moving. I must admit that I was feeling a bit tired (we went blueberry picking yesterday morning and then had a cookout at our house last night) when I was lacing up my shoes. But from experience, I know to keep going through the motions to see how I feel once I get outside.

A few minutes into it, I felt great. And then I just went with it. The meditation mode set in, and I felt light and airy. When I got back home I was very energized yet relaxed. Ahhh..

I have a little stiffness now because I don't typically run 9 miles (more 6 miles) but no worries. It simply reminds me of the great run I had this morning.

This is what running is all about. Share your stories with us. Be sure to see my Day One message and send me your feedback. I want to hear from you.

Take care...We are belladonnarunning....

Friday, June 26, 2009

day one

Hello everyone!

This is my first blog entry. Whew!

I am very excited about creating a blog for women runners (and for those who want to try running). There are no prequisites except an "interest" in running. It does not matter if you run half a mile/week, 50 miles/week, or simply dream about running. Belladonnarunning is here for you.

I envision a blog (and hopefully a website very soon - any good designers out there?) that gives women runners a place to SIS - share, inspire, and support. I am going to list some of the topic areas that I would like to see on the blog (and eventually website) and would love your feedback and ideas.

Here we go:
1. Pictures - A section where people can post pictures of them running, racing, resting, etc. Must be running related.

2. A "my story" section - A place where women can share their running stories.

3. Food and beverage section - What you like, what you recommend, recipes, tips, etc.

4. Training tips - From beginner to advanced.

5. Safety information - How do women runners stay safe while running? Your ideas and thoughts.

6. Getting motivated - What keeps you running? How do you keep going? How do you find the time to run?

7. Words of support - Let's support one another.

8. Races - Upcoming races. Anywhere and everywhere.

9. Injuries - Links to great sites, recommendations, prevention, tips, etc.

10. Running clothes and shoes - What works? What you want. I am designing some running wear so would love to hear what women want in running attire.

11. Music, Visualization, psychological games - What works for you before, during, and after a run?

12. Pregnancy (pre, during and post) and running -Thoughts? Recommendations? Jogging strollers.

13. Stretching - I need help with this one. I need to stretch...

14. Sponsors/Links - Would love to hear from you.

So, this is a start. Please chime in and let's get this blog running. Thank you. I love all you belladonna runners:)