Friday, June 26, 2009

day one

Hello everyone!

This is my first blog entry. Whew!

I am very excited about creating a blog for women runners (and for those who want to try running). There are no prequisites except an "interest" in running. It does not matter if you run half a mile/week, 50 miles/week, or simply dream about running. Belladonnarunning is here for you.

I envision a blog (and hopefully a website very soon - any good designers out there?) that gives women runners a place to SIS - share, inspire, and support. I am going to list some of the topic areas that I would like to see on the blog (and eventually website) and would love your feedback and ideas.

Here we go:
1. Pictures - A section where people can post pictures of them running, racing, resting, etc. Must be running related.

2. A "my story" section - A place where women can share their running stories.

3. Food and beverage section - What you like, what you recommend, recipes, tips, etc.

4. Training tips - From beginner to advanced.

5. Safety information - How do women runners stay safe while running? Your ideas and thoughts.

6. Getting motivated - What keeps you running? How do you keep going? How do you find the time to run?

7. Words of support - Let's support one another.

8. Races - Upcoming races. Anywhere and everywhere.

9. Injuries - Links to great sites, recommendations, prevention, tips, etc.

10. Running clothes and shoes - What works? What you want. I am designing some running wear so would love to hear what women want in running attire.

11. Music, Visualization, psychological games - What works for you before, during, and after a run?

12. Pregnancy (pre, during and post) and running -Thoughts? Recommendations? Jogging strollers.

13. Stretching - I need help with this one. I need to stretch...

14. Sponsors/Links - Would love to hear from you.

So, this is a start. Please chime in and let's get this blog running. Thank you. I love all you belladonna runners:)

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